Simple Diet and Detox Recommendations

I invite you to please leave one of your favorite simple dietary suggestions or detoxification tips in comments to help others who visit this post.

If you are in a LinkedIn group, in order that the suggestions are centralized, I would also ask you to also go directly to my website to leave your simple suggestion there.

Okay now…

I want to thank you for supporting my blog here at

It’s been almost a year since I started this, my first blog, and it’s been a rewarding experience in terms of learning how to blog and doing some research on simple ways a person can lead a healthier existence by doing some simple and natural dietary changes.

A photo I shot and used in an old article on The Season's of Life. Another season is about to pass.

A photo I shot and used in an old article on The Season’s of Life. Another season is about to pass.

I always encourage my friends and patients to get their diets in order. I’d rather they get healthy rather than having to keep on coming back to me to fix their pain.

The sad fact is with many patients, their lifelong embracing of bad or decadent habits, sometimes lifestyle bombs along with voluntary or involuntary exposure to toxic environmental influences have built up a cache of burden in their bodies that purging and cleansing are necessary to help begin reversing the course of their disease conditions. I’d like to believe if you’re reading this you can reverse the damage done – you have hope if you can adhere to a simple strategy.

In modern society, we are surrounded by influences that are non-stop biding for our commitment to consume, including in the world of medicine. In moderation most is well, but without self-control and awareness, we run the risk of sacrificing our ability to live healthy lives.

What is known about good nutrition, for the most part, has been known for many decades, although mass marketing and publicity, or the latest government direction tends to cause people to jump on the bandwagon or magic bullet of the day.

One of the biggest trends we unknowingly face is the amount and variety of toxins we are exposed to. The risks and damages caused by many commonly used materials or chemicals are yet to be discovered by protection agencies and will not over the course of years if not decades. This blind-eye approach to public safety has happened in the past and no doubt will occur in the future.

For your information, I have decided to put BestBuckBuck in indefinite stand down in terms of  adding new articles. In the meantime, I hope you will still find value in the humble collection of advice here to aid in your pursuit of better health through dietary change and purposeful reducing and combating of toxin exposure.

Again, feel free to add your favorite dietary or detox suggestion in the comments.

Thank you again,




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Dr. Fung and Herbal Soup Recipes

Today I’ve got a couple of Chinese soup recipes for you that are from the book “Sixty Years In the Search of Cures” (1994) by Dr. Fung Fung & his son, John Fung.

In 2002, when I first met Dr Fung, he was over 90 years old and I knew very little about Chinese medicine. I was very skeptical at the time, following my wife to see a side of life I was unfamiliar with. My wife grew up in China where herbal medicine was common place, but to me, having grown up in a world of Western medicine and pharmaceuticals, I thought herbal medicine seemed like quackery.

Have you ever experienced an “herbalist” where the price of the herbal prescriptions were expensive, no copy of the written prescription was provided, and there was no full disclosure of the ingredients?  We have and you don’t have to settle for that. When my wife first experienced this kind of practice in the United States, she mistakenly assumed “that’s the way things are done in the United States.” Eventually she sought a recommendation from her cousin who practiced in China, his recommendation led us to Dr. Fung.

Dr. Fung was vastly different. He was a man worthy of being a role model. His character would be able to persuade the cynics, like me, and restore the faith of the believer, like my wife. Dr. Fung exhibited the true essence of a Chinese Medicine doctor. He has a long a colorful history that begins as a humble student and herbalist in Guangzhou before World War II, which led him to an unexpected stay in Southern Vietnam for 30 years (1939-1969) where he developed a thriving practice in his home away from home.

When we met him in 2002, he was a tall stately gentleman and semi-retired herbalist who worked in a small clinic in Cupertino, California, where he, in his spartan consultation chamber, engaged and observed his clients, checked their pulses, looked at their tongues, getting answers to a few questions and writing out herbal prescriptions in the traditional manner with his beautiful long hand. His son John (who I remember looks like martial artist Donny Yen) would fill the herbal prescriptions and then charge a very modest fee for the herbs which included a copy of Dr. Fung’s beautifully written prescriptions. And his prescriptions were effective.

Speaking in their native Cantonese, he and my wife grew instant rapport. After a brief discussion of her history, he asked my wife, “Why would you drink an herbal prescription when you didn’t know what was in it?”  Simple question. Good question.

Dr. Fung is and remains one of the Chinese Medicine doctors who inspired me to study Chinese Medicine. So it is with great gratitude and respect that I share a small part of one of his books.

Here are a couple of simple soup recipes that would be useful to nourish your liver and aid in reducing the effects of stress, both important in the mission to detoxify your body.


Cover shot by Challen Yee

Cover shot by Challen Yee


From “Sixty Years in Search of Cures” by Dr. Fung Fung.


The Goodness Of Soup

Soup is nutritious and easy to make. Just gather the ingredients, combine them in the right proportions, and boil them in water. The relative quantities of water and ingredient, will determine the thickness of the soup. Westerners seem to prefer thick soups, whereas Chinese prefer to drink the broth and consume the ingredients separately.

Soup normally comes before the principal dish in a Western meal. In the Chinese tradition, especially in the south, soup stands on its own. It can be served at mealtimes with a meal, in between meals, or as a snack before bedtime. Since soup is an important part of the diet, the Chinese have developed a wide range of soup recipes. The Cantonese in particular are well known for their enthusiasm for soup, and for the great variety of their soup menus.

With the addition of some special herbs, soup can be eaten in order to prevent ailments or address certain physical conditions. The soups described below are selected recipes used by our family through the years. Most of the ingredients can be purchased from Asian supermarkets, and the special herbs from any herb store. When the soup is done, the essence of the ingredients will have been dissolved in the broth. Therefore, the broth should be consumed. The boiled ingredients may be eaten as well, with the exception of some herbs which will be rendered coarse and tasteless after cooking. Specific instructions in each of the following recipes describe which herbs to discard.

[I have specially selected two for this post]

Strengthen the liver.

3 oz pig liver, sliced
7 oz lean pork, sliced
5 oz abrus (Herba Abri Fruticulosis, ji gu cao)
3 cups water
After the soup boils, let it simmer for 2 to 3 hours. Add boiling water to compensate for evaporation. Skim the fat floating on top of the broth. Salt or soy sauce may be added to enhance the taste. Drink the broth, and consume all the other ingredients except the herb.


Anxiety and nervousness.
This soup may be eaten to calm the body and mind, and prevent

6 oz lean pork, sliced
15 pieces red dates
3 cups water
After the soup boils, let it simmer for 2 to 3 hours. Add boiling water to compensate for evaporation. Skim the fat floating on top of the broth. Salt or soy sauce may be added to enhance the taste. Drink the broth, and consume all the other ingredients.


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A historical look at Cancer

Note: I was fascinated by the historical research found in today’s passage and I hope you will too. Thanks to Linus Pauling and Ewan Cameron for their research involving Vitamin C and its effects on cancer.

This book was recommended by Dr. Michael Savage when I was researching methods to help my sister fight (and beat) an adult onset of cancer of the thymus. Although she had treatment by chemo and radiation, I do not doubt that her major turn in her diet, going organic, high on vegetables and fruits, moderation in meats, using some high quality supplements and by and large eliminating most of the junk she used to eat resulted in a marked improvement in her countenance, energy, and outlook.

I am a strong proponent of a diet high in natural sources of vitamin C and I personally supplement with higher than typical doses of Vitamin C when fighting illness, infection, injury or after eating foods that may be high in carcinogens.

There is mainly one common side effect of Vitamin C that I’ve encountered in clinical application and that is of stomach cramping leading to diarrhea. A rare case that indicates caution is if the patient has high iron levels the blood (hemochromatosis) since Vitamin C aids in the binding of dietary iron for transfer into the blood. On the other hand, the function of adequate Vitamin C is valuable for low iron patients.

This is a longer than usual passage for my blog, but I believe you will find it a useful source of historical information.

This is one of ht enlaces my sister travelled to after she beat her cancer in 2013. (Photo by Challen Yee - 1989)

This is one of the places my sister travelled to after she beat her cancer in 2013. (Photo by Challen Yee – 1989)

From Linus Pauling and Ewan Cameron’s “Cancer and Vitamin C” (1993)

Excerpt from the chapter  “The Causes of Cancer”

At this moment more than one million Americans are under medical care for cancer. This year about 395,000 of them will die, one every minute and a half. And, of course, we must not think only of the United States. This is a world problem, and from that wider perspective we see that every four seconds a human being, with all his hopes and aspirations, is dying from cancer, possibly quite miserably.

These statistics are frightening.

What is the cause of all this suffering?

In a more innocent age, cancer was regarded as an act of God. We are now beginning to realize that many, and indeed probably the majority, of human cancers are man-made, the results of our careless and almost criminal pollution of our environment.

The first recognition of an environmental cause of cancer is attributed to Sir Percival Pott, a London surgeon who in 1775 described the cancer of the scrotum that was prevalent among the adolescent chimney sweeps of his day as an occupational disease. Since their early childhood they had been, to quote Sir Percival, “thrust up narrow and sometimes hot chimneys.” His conclusion was that “the disease in these people seems to derive its origin from the lodgement of soot in the rugae (skin creases) of the scrotum.” Thus over two centuries ago there was given a clear and concise description of a “cause-and-effect” occupational cancer, and more than an inkling as to how it might be prevented. Early in the present century patient work in a Japanese laboratory (the daily painting of a rabbit’s ears with soot suspensions for week after week) did prove that soot (and later some of its identifiable chemical constituents) is indeed carcinogenic – able to give rise to cancer.

In later years many other forms of occupational cancer were recognized. When the causative carcinogen was identified it became possible to institute and enforce preventive measures and thus to eliminate the hazard. One of these diseases was the “Mule-spinners cancer” of the “Dark Satanic Cotton Mills” of Victorian England, again a scrotal cancer, caused by the constant saturation of work clothes by hot lubricating oil splashing from the steam-powered looms. Then there was the recognition of an abnormally high incidence of lung cancer among the uranium miners of Joachimsthal in Bohemia, where only much later was it recognized that the ores are highly radioactive
and that the radioactive gas radon is present in the air. The solid radioactive decay products of the inhaled radon were deposited in the lungs, where they produced carcinogenic rays. About one half of the miners who had died up to 1939 had developed lung cancer. There was also the belated recognition in Germany and Russia, and later in the United States and Britain, of an abnormally high incidence of bladder cancer among workers in the aniline dyestuffs industry and other industries who were exposed to the substance B-naphthylamine. More recently it has been recognized that workers and other people exposed to asbestos have a high incidence of an unusually vicious cancer of the pleura and peritoneum, and even more alarmingly that this increased incidence occurs in family members whose only contact with asbestos came through the dust brought home on the workers’ clothes. There was a particularly high incidence of this rather rare form of cancer in Japan that has been explained by the fact that the rice that they ate had been polished with asbestos fibers. An increased incidence of cancer has been observed also in other industries and many carcinogenic agents have been identified, such as carbon black in print workers, carbon tetrachloride in dry cleaners, benzpyrene in roofing, asphalt, and coke oven workers, polychlorobiphenyls in paper-mill workers, vinyl chloride in the plastics industry, and many more.

Then came the clear demonstration of the link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. Cigarette smoking became fashionable among men in the 1920’s, and about 25 years later the world experienced an explosive growth of lung cancer among men.
Between 1910 and 1940 the average number of cigarettes smoked per day by men in the United States increased eight-fold, from about 0.5 per day to 4 per day. Between 1930 and 1960 the mortality from lung cancer (the number of deaths per 100,000 men per year) also increased about eight-fold, from 4 to 35. For women nearly similar increases in cigarette smoking and then in mortality from lung cancer occurred, with a delay of 25 years.

Lung cancer now causes 35 percent of the cancer deaths in men, more than any other kind of cancer. In 1978 close to 100,000 men and women in the United States died of lung cancer, for the most part because they smoked popular cigarettes. Moreover, cigarette smokers have an increased probability at each age of dying from other forms of cancer and from heart disease and other diseases. The average cigarette smoker develops serious illnesses and dies 8 years earlier than the average non-smoker. On the average, each cigarette smoked decreases the life expectancy of the smoker by 10 minutes.

It is the delay of 15 to 30 years between exposure to the carcinogen, such as cigarette smoke, and the development of the recognizable cancer that worries many thoughtful people in the world today, people who can remember when cigarette smoking was a perfectly acceptable social habit with no suspicion of any danger. Since the Second World War we have lived in an increasingly “chemical” society, with plastics, pesticides, herbicides, artificial colors and flavors, food additives, and other chemicals to which the human body is not accustomed being manufactured on a gigantic scale. The Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that 60,000 chemicals are already in commercial use and that new ones are coming into use at the rate of 1000 a year. Many of these agents have been recognized to be carcinogenic and some of them have been banned. The tragedy is that it takes time to identify the carcinogens, however, and many people who are exposed to them before they are recognized and removed from the market will appear only after the induction period of two to three decades.
High-energy radiation in all its forms – alpha, beta, and gamma rays from radioactive substances, cosmic rays, x-ray, and even ultraviolet rays in sunlight – also is carcinogenic. The high incidence of cancer in workers in the uranium industry has already been mentioned. Many of the women from 1916 to 1924 painted the dials on watches and clocks with a radioactive paint and who brought a brush to a fine point by putting it between their lips thus getting the radioactive radium or thorium into their bones, died later of bone cancer. The radioactive atomic nuclei liberated into the atmosphere by the test explosions of nuclear weapons (strontium 90, cesium 137, carbon 14, and others) are now present in every human being and continue to increase the incidence of cancer all over the world. Many of the scientists and physicians who worked with x-rays during the first decade or two after their discovery in 1896, until their carcinogenic power was discovered, developed cancer.

The natural exposure of people to high-energy radiation, part of which comes from cosmic rays and part from natural radioactivity (radium, potassium 40, tritium), varies from place to place but amounts on the average to about 100 milliroentgens per year. This unavoidable exposure causes genetic mutations that lead to the birth of infants with minor or gross congenital defects and also causes cancer. There is some uncertainty about how much cancer is caused by this amount of high-energy radiation, but we have confidence in the estimate made by Dr. Hardin B. Jones, late Professor of Medical Physics and Physiology in the University of California, Berkeley, who concluded that 9 percent of all cases of cancer are produced by it.

The average exposure of people in the United States to medical x-rays for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes is about the same, 100 milliroentgens per year, and medical x-rays may thus cause as many cancers as background radiation. Of course, it must be remembered that the use of x-rays in medical practice is of great value, and that the danger of genetic and somatic damage by the x-rays is one that often must be taken, although it should be kept to a minimum by taking care that the x-ray exposure is not made except when necessary and then not in amounts greater than necessary.

Continued exposure to sunlight of people whose skin is not strongly pigmented is related to an increased incidence of skin cancer. The conclusion that this increased incidence is caused by the ultraviolet rays in the sunlight has been made highly probable by careful studies of a similar effect of ultraviolet light on hairless mice.

Another apparent cause of cancer is heat. For example, some people in India who warm themselves by holding a pot of glowing coals under their clothes have an increased incidence of cancer of the skin in the area that is repeatedly heated by the hot pot…

… Now that we understand the enemy, we have the duty to conquer him. Cancer is caused by agents and conditions that change the genetic material in the cells of our bodies. It is clearly sensible for us to strive to prevent these changes and thus to prevent cancer. High-energy radiation causes cancer; hence we should avoid being exposed to it — no unnecessary x-rays, no over-exposure to sunlight, no radioactive pollution from nuclear weapons tests or nuclear power plants. Many chemicals cause cancer; hence we should try to identify them and to ban them. Moreover, as will be pointed out later, vitamin C is a rather general detoxifying agent, and its proper use can help to protect us against carcinogenic chemicals, even those in tobacco smoke, although here the only sensible course is to stop smoking. Our normal tissues and organs fight the renegade malignancy; it is our duty to ourselves to help strengthen them in this fight, and there is evidence that vitamin C and other nutrients provide this strengthening influence.


It is noteworthy that this is from a 1993 revision, 20 years ago, and the actual number of  chemicals used  and the statistics do not reflect 2014 levels.

If you’d like to order Pauling and Cameron’s   “Cancer and Vitamin C”  please click here.


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Milk Thistle – from The Antioxident Cookbook

Author’s Note: With the focus on the need to keep our liver, the major organ used in daily detoxification of our blood, in a healthy state, I wanted to share this bit of research information about a powerful herb commonly used to aid in liver health and detox programs.

Many people do not derive the benefit from any dietary change because their livers have been overwhelmed from years of uncontrolled diet or environmental stresses. As their diet improves, their bodies continue to struggle with the release of toxins that have been stored in their bodies along with a liver that is working at a low efficiency. With the increased exposure to daily toxins from every direction, simple diet changes and exercise often do not have the desired results.

While a detailed examination should be conducted for any patient, it is not unusual that a dietary detoxification, supplemented with herbs in the form of food, food supplements or herbal decoctions, be administered as part of a health management program.

Milk Thistle is only one herb and may be considered part of a comprehensive program.

I am excerpting from Dr. Michael Savage’s “The Antioxident Cookbook” (1995).


Milk Thistle - image source:

Milk Thistle – image source:



Scientific Name: Silybum marianum
Parts Used: Seeds
Dosage: Seeds: 1 teaspoon seeds steeped in 1/2 cup water; 1 to 1 1/2 cupfuls per day, 1 tablespoon or mouthful at a time.

Recent Scientific Findings
One active component extracted from milk thistle seeds, silymarin, is a flavonoid long recognized for its ability to benefit people with liver disorders and as a protective compound against liver-damaging agents as diverse mushroom toxins, carbon tetrachloride, and other chemicals. This flavonoid demonstrates good antioxidant properties, both in vivo and in vitro.

Chilean scientists found that silymarin also increases the content of liver (+)-cyanidanol-3 (cathequin). These experiments also showed an increase of glutathione content and antioxidant activity in the intestine and stomach. The effects selectively occur only in the digestive tract, and not in the kidney, lung, and spleen.

A double blind, prospective, randomized study performed on 170 patients with cirrhosis of the liver supported the fact that silymarin protects the liver. All patients received the same treatment with a mean observation period of 41 months. The 4-year survival rate was significantly higher in silymarin-treated patients than those in the placebo group. No side effects of drug treatment were observed.

Another study found that Milk Thistle may offer us some protection against the toxic side-effects of the common pain-reliving drug acetaminophen, which is a widely used analgesic and fever medication. In overdosage severe hepatotoxicity may result characterized by glutathione (GSH) depletion, suppression of GSH biosynthesis, and liver damage. GSH is considered the most important biomolecule against chemically-induced cytotoxicity.

Silybin, a soluble form of silymarin, is thought to exert a membrane-stabilizing action which inhibits or prevent lipid peroxidation. Silybin and silmarin may be useful in protecting the liver in many cases besides acetaminophen overdosage. Alchohol also depletes GSH and these flavonoids offer protection for those cho continue to drink. Interestingly, silybin dihemisuccinate remains medicine’s most important antidote to poisoning by the mushroom toxins a amantin and phalloidin.

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Holy cow! How safe are your chicken eggs?

Writer’s Note: With respect to the Easter holiday, which often conjures up the thoughts of springtime, lush green grasses, eggs, dairy farms and the animals that live on them, I though it appropriate to increase the awareness the importance of organic and balanced environments to support the production of of food products delivered from these, what ought to be, “whole-y places.”

If you were not aware of these details before, they are guaranteed to be an eye-opener.

The excerpt below is from “Anti-Cancer – A New Way of Life”(2009) by David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD, a passage from a chapter titled “The Anti-Cancer Environment.”

Let’ s get hopping…


How natural are your eggs?

How natural are your eggs?



In the natural cycle, cows give birth in spring, when the grass is most luxuriant, and produce milk for several months until summer’s end. Spring grass is an especially rich source of omega-3 fatty acids; these fatty acids are therefore concentrated in the milk from cows raised in pastures and in the milk derivatives – butter, cream, yogurt, and cheese. Omega-3s are likely found in beef from grass-fed cattle and in eggs from free range chickens fed with forage (rather than grains).

Starting in the [1950’s], the demand for milk products  increased so much that farmers had to look for shortcuts in the natural cycle of milk production and reduce the grazing area needed to feed a 750-kilogram (1,600 pound) cow. Pastures were thus abandoned and replaced by battery farming. Corn, soy, and wheat, which have become the principal diet for cattle, contain practically no omega-3 fatty acids. To the contrary, these food sources are rich in omega-6s. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are called “essential” because the human body cannot make them. As a result, the quantity of omega-3s and omega-6s in our bodies stems directly from the content of the food we eat. In turn, the amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in our food depend on what the cows and chickens we eat have consumed in their feed. If they eat grass, then the meat, milk, and eggs they provide are perfectly balanced in omega-3s and omega-6s (a balance close to 1/1). If they eat corn and soy, the resulting imbalance in our bodies is as much as 1/15, even 1/40.

The omega-3s and omega-6s present in our bodies constantly compete to control our body functions. Omega-6s help stock fats and promote rigidity in cells as well as coagulation and inflammation in response to outside aggression. They stimulate the production of fatty cells from birth onward. Omega-3s are involved in developing the nervous system, making cell membranes more flexible, and reducing inflammation. They also limit the production of adipose cells. Our physiological balance depends very much on the balance between omega-3s and omega-6s in our body, and therefore in our diet. It turns out that it is this dietary balance that has changed the most in the last fifty years.

Note: The imbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in our diets increases inflammation, coagulation, and the growth of adipose and cancer cells.

Cows are not the only farm animals affected by this change. Chicken diets have changed radically as well. Eggs – the embodiment of a natural food – no longer contain the same essential fatty acids they did fifty years ago. Artemis Simopoulos, MD, is a prominent American nutritionist who ran the department of nutrition research at the National Institutes of Health. In an unusual study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, she shows that eggs from chickens raised on corn (a nearly universal practice today) contain twenty times more omega-6s than omega-3s. Eggs taken from the Greek farm she grew up on retain a balance of virtually 1/1.

While their diets have been radically overhauled, farm animals have sometimes been treated with hormones like estradiol and zeranol to fatten them even faster.* These hormones build up in fatty tissues and are excreted in milk. Recently a new hormone has been introduced on cattle farms to stimulate milk production: rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone, also called bovine somatotropin, or BST). It acts on the cow’s mammary glands and can boost milk production significantly. Widely used in the United States, fBGH is still banned in Europe and Canada. Because of trademark agreements however, this hormone is likely to find its way onto dinner plates anywhere in the world through imported ingredients derived from American milk. The effects of rBGH on humans are still unknown. But we do know it promotes IGF production in cows, that this IGF is found in milk, and that it is not destroyed by pasteurization. As we have seen, IGF is a major factor in the stimulation of growth of fatty cells and also accelerates growth in malignant tumors.

* A European law forbids this use in EU countries, but it may be repealed.


Finally, the switch from grass to the corn-soy combination has another inconvenient side effect. One of the very rare components of our diets that is from an animal source and that has possible anticancer benefits is a fatty acid called CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). Among the first to bring to light the role of CLA in fighting the growth of cancer cells was Philippe Bougnoux, MD, and his team at INRA (the National Institute for Agricultural Research in Tours, France). CLA is primarily found in cheese, but only if the cheese comes from grass-fed animals. Thus, by disrupting the diets of cows, goats, and sheep, we have eliminated the only anticancer benefit they may have provided.

Note: rBGH is the hormone injected into dairy cows in the United States to stimulate milk production. It is found in conventional (nonorganic) milk. It may stimulate the production of insulin growth factor and the growth of cancer cells in humans.


(end excerpt)


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Have a Healthy and Happy Easter!


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GINGER – from the Antioxident Cookbook

Writer’s Note: Back to basics after last week’s lesson on how happiness plays an important role in your daily detoxification. But just to follow up with  one more idea. Your track to happiness should include what will bring it long term and that is fulfillment with what you are doing with your life. How do you find fulfillment? Understand why you were put here, know your purpose and then your root for your happiness and fulfillment will be solid. If you would like to follow my occasional commentary along these lines, you can follow personal development blog at or click on the header.


 Back to the diet…

Okay, before I offer you the excerpt from Michael Weiner’s (Savage) “The Antioxident Cookbook.” (1995) on the properties of Ginger, something I commonly do for early onset of a cold, which is a different from Michael’s recommendation below, is to boil down a sliced giant thumb-sized piece of fresh Ginger, going from 2 cups to 1 cup. At the last minute, stir in a tablespoon of brown sugar. If you don’t like adding sugar, you could use honey or maple syrup after the boiling is completed. The sweetness balances the spicy nature of the Ginger taste, making it more palatable, especially for children.

Michael’s description of Ginger also includes some scientific terms, which will be good for you, if you are into the chemical properties.

And now for Mike’s passage on Ginger…


Scientific Name: Zingiber officinale
Parts Used: Rhizome
Dosage: Root: 1 ounce of rhizome to 1 pint of water. Boil the water separately then pour over the plant material and steep for 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the desired effect. Drink hot or warm, 1 to 2 cups per day.


Ginger.  Photo by Challen Yee

Ginger. Photo by Challen Yee

Recent Scientific Findings

Currently, Ginger has received new attention as an aid for motion sickness. Ginger tea has long been an herbal remedy for coughs and asthma, related to allergy or inflammation; the creation of the soft drink ginger ale sprang from the common folkloric usage of this herb, and still today remains a popular beverage for the relief of stomach upset. Externally Ginger is a rubefacient, and has been credited in the connection of relieving headache and toothache.

The mechanism by which Ginger produces anti-inflammatory activity is that of the typical NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). This common spice is a more biologically active prostaglandin inhibitor (via cyclo-oxygenase inhibition) than onion and Garlic.

By slowing associated biochemical pathways an inflammatory reaction is curtailed. In one study Danish women between the ages of 25 to 65 years, consumed either 70 grams raw onion or 5 grams raw ginger daily for a period of one week. The author measured thromboxane production and discovered that ginger, more clearly than onion, reduced thromboxane production by almost 60%. This confirms the Ayurvedic “prescription” for this common spice and its anti-aggregatory effects.

By reducing blood platelet “clumping,” Ginger, Onion and Garlic may reduce our risk of heart attack or stroke. In a series of experiments with rats, scientists from Japan discovered that extracts of Ginger inhibited gastric lesions by up to 97%. The authors conclude that the folkloric usage of Ginger in stomachic preparations were effective owing to the constituents zingiberene, the main terpenoid and 6-gingerol, the pungent principle.

In an earlier look at how some of the active components of Ginger (and onion) act inside our cells, it was found that the oils of these herbs inhibit the fatty acid oxygenases from platelets, thus decreasing the clumping of these blood cell components.

A 1991 double-blind, randomized cross-over trial involved thirty women suffering from hyperemesis gravid arum. Ginger was alternated with a placebo. Seventy percent of the women confirmed they subjectively preferred the period in which they took the Ginger. More objective assessment verified the subjective relief was found after the use of the Ginger reactions, as significantly greater relief was found after the use of the Ginger.

In a series of experiments with rates,scientists from Japan discovered that extracts of ginger inhibited gastric lesions by 97%. The authors concluded that the folkloric usage of Ginger in stomach preparations was effective due to the constituents zingiberene, the main terpenoid, and 6-gingerol, the pungent principle.



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Daily detox: Happiness, Learning, and the Hacker Mindset

Let’s take a look at our happiness because being more happy will offer better immunity and therefore, less inclination to disease, longer life and ability to enjoy it.

This week I was inspired by a brilliant 13 year old.

Who is Logan LaPlante? Maybe you’ve never heard of him before, but he is intelligent and well-spoken, living through a unique education process based on a philosophy of “being happy.” You can see him give a Ted-Talk by searching for “Hackschool.”

Who influenced his concept of what it takes to be happy?…

Look beyond your horizons

Look beyond your horizons.  Hawaiian Sunset (photo by Challen Yee)



As a foundation for the study of happiness, he chose a system developed by Dr. Roger Walsh.

According to Walsh’s research, there are 8 aspects which strongly contribute to your personal happiness:

– Exercise
– Diet and Nutrition
– Time in Nature
– Contribution & Service
– Relationships
– Recreation
– Relaxation & Stress Management
– Religious & Spiritual

What adds a greater insight to connecting with these 8 key areas is the attitude conveys by Logan is his “hacker mentality” which also strongly coincides with Dr. Walsh’s belief that school would better equip children to leading happier and healthier lives should they  make those two life aspects more of a focus, that is, to be happy and healthy.

If you don’t understand what being a Hacker is, it’s not as bad as a lot of people imagine. Being a Hacker is probably best exemplified by Steve Jobs who didn’t restrain himself by adhering to a rigid system to create and make real his ideas. He envisioned the benefit to the consumer, then worked on a solution. He didn’t come up with a product and then hope people would buy it. He knew people would adopt his brilliant idea and then set out to make it real doing much of his work from design to business dealings in unconventional manners, thinking outside the box.

In Logan’s experience, he often looks first at his passion and then associates with experts and takes more of an apprenticeship-like approach to learning the core subjects.
The basic rule applies: You learn more easily if your are passionate and excited about a subject.

This is the opposite approach often applied to traditional learning, where kids are provided generic information regardless of their personal passions.

The only summer school program my parents put me though, when I was about 13 or 14, adopted the passion-approach to writing. They asked me what I enjoyed, then they provided some assignments based on my favorite interests. I had a passion for high performance cars (still do). Logan also gives a similar example in his education process, he loves skiing, so he writes with passion about skiing. This approach really works.

This works with any subject or process.

History is another great example. I hated studying history until I took an interest in a historical character. You can’t fall in love with facts and figures, but you can develop a relationship or passion for a person’s successes and struggles and then take an interest in the factors that influence their world. That’s learning like a hacker.

And learning like a hacker increases your satisfaction and therefore your overall happiness because you can achieve what you want faster by adopting some hacker techniques.

This approach can be applied to anything. Be less restrained in using your creativity and imagination. Have some fun.

So the takeaway is this: If there is something you are passionate about, ask yourself, meditate on if there is an easier way to achieve what you want. Take some time to think outside of the box you’ve put yourself into. Listen to a few people who have already achieved what you seek to achieve. Life is too short to waste time making mistakes you can avoid with a few well placed ideas and recommendations, personalized by your own untapped well of creativity and imagination.

Be Empowered. Be Alive. Be Happier.

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*”CHEMOTHERAPY: POISONING CANCER (and you)” from “Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients” (Blaylock).

I could have titled this “Additional tools for your first oncologist meeting.”

Writer’s note: This subject is often something you don’t follow unless you’ve had a bout of cancer in your close circle, but when you are faced with a diagnosed cancer then you should be aware of the powerful influence proper nutrition and nutritive therapy have on your body. Do yourself a favor, be aware now and do not wait.

When my father passed away in 1996 from pancreatic cancer, I, like most people, was not aware of the many natural ways we could have taken a healthy proactive approach to fighting the disease. And if you as a lay person try to tell someone who has already gone down the slippery slope of hopelessness and they’ve already accepted death as imminent as predicted by a “professional”, it can be even more difficult to persuade them that carefully administered high dosages of crystallized Vitamin C over and beyond the course of a cancer, along with other dietary, lifestyle and nutritive strategies can bring about a significant increase is the quality of life and in some cases remission.

These natural therapies act in a way that is generally beneficial for the body and without adverse effects (and in some cases contraindicated by your oncologist with the use of chemo or radiation treatments).

Although many the damaging effects of conventional cancer treatments are obvious, I am not necessarily advocating the non-use of these methods. A combined approach would adopt the natural approach at all times as allowed through and around the windows created by Western treatments.

How important would it be for you to know how you can fight cancer in ways that are both powerful and not poisonous to your body?

There are many points in the following chapter opening from “Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients” (2003) by Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, that I will share below…




The use of chemotherapy has become so common in the treating cancer that it is now considered a standard part of the regimen. Dr. Ralph Moss, who has written extensively on the subject of cancer treatment, has noted that while chemotherapy has definite benefits for several selected cancers, in many cases it is used inappropriately. I have found the same thing in my observations over the past thirty years in medicine.

Before deciding on chemotherapy, there are several important things you should know and discuss with your oncologist. Of critical importance is the fact that most chemotherapy agents can also cause cancer themselves and may do so many years
after your therapy has been completed. You should be informed of this risk before you make any decisions.

You should also be aware of the difference between “cure” of cancer and “control” of cancer. In the past, a cancer was considered “cured” if the patient had no evidence of disease five years after the treatments were finished. Some feel the cancer-free period should be extended to ten years, and I agree. Despite this optimism, there is evidence that some cancers may never be cured in the literal sense. Rather, the cancer cells are placed in a dormant state, that is, put to sleep.

Often oncologists imply that their treatment will cure your cancer, when in fact they know that it may merely control your cancer. When a cancer is under control, it means that an obvious residual tumor remains but is not growing. Usually, your doctor
will order repeat studies to make sure the tumor does not begin to grow again. Another point of confusion for patients is the is the term “tumor response.” Your oncologist may tell you your tumor should respond to a particular chemotherapy program. Response is not synonymous with cure. A tumor is responsive if it either stops growing or shrinks, even it temporarily.

If your cancer is more advanced, you need to know if the treatment is merely palliative rather than intended to cure or control your cancer. A palliative treatment is usually done to relieve some symptom, such as pain or an obstruction caused by the tumor. In many instances, especially with pain, nutritional treatments are a much better alternative since they cause no unpleasant side effects and, in most cases, help the patient’s energy levels to improve, sometimes dramatically.

If your tumor is well localized, you have negative lymph nodes, and you have no evidence of local invasion or metastasis, your oncologist may recommend a cycle of chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments to eradicate any cancer cells that may have escaped. Several studies have shown that such adjunctive chemotherapy may reduce the incidence of tumor recurrence. The problem with these studies is that the results were never compared to those of a carefully constructed nutritional program. My experience is that a good nutritional program is just as effective as, and possibly even more effective than, chemotherapy or radiation. When combined with these conventional treatments, a nutritional program greatly enhances their effectiveness and reduces complications.

You should thoroughly discuss all the possible side effects and complications of your treatment program with your oncologist. Do not let the doctor brush them off as nothing to worry about. As we shall see, properly selected nutritional supplements and a good diet can greatly reduce and even eliminate many of the side effects and complications.

Before beginning your chemotherapy or radiation treatments, you should begin your nutrition program. In most instances, nutrients will work best if started before the conventional treatments, yet they will also be effective if started afterward as well.

While you can tell your oncologist about your nutrition program, do not expect him or her to understand the scientific basis of its effect on your cancer and how it aids in your treatment. Remember that your doctor may have had no training in nutritional biochemistry and may be unaware of the research in this area. An oncologist’s expertise is with the conventional cancer treatments: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and biological response modifiers.

(end excerpt)
After you read this passage from Dr. Blaylock’s book, at least take away the basic fact that nutrition therapy is powerful and should be a core part of for anti-cancer treatment and maintenance. The side effects are none to negligible compared to the destructive forces of the powerful agents commonly used in chemotherapy.

Live your life to the fullest and keep with you some health practices that will serve you so that your service to others will be longer lasting.

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Powerful Anti-Cancer Foods and Attitude

Have you ever wondered which foods were the best to fight against a specific cancer type?

Then you’d be interested in information I found in “Anti-Cancer – A New Way of Life” by Dr. David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD

In each cancer category he illustrates over 30 different food rating, but for the purpose of this post, I will give you the most powerful, all of which are reported to have an average of over 95%, and most reportedly have almost a 100% ability to inhibit the specific cancer cell growth.

Now that sounds awesome to me, what about you?

So what I would do, short of getting this book for yourself and doing the research, is to rotate these foods in your weekly menu to generate some powerful immune potential so your body can reap some good anti-cancer benefit from your diet.

So here we go…



Non-Specific Cancers
1) Garlic
2) Leeks
3) Scallions
4) Brussels Spouts
5) Savoy Cabbage
6) Cabbage
7) Beets
8) Spinach
9) Kale
10) Asparagus
11) Cauliflower
12) Fiddlehead Fern
13) Onions
14) Broccoli

Colon Cancer
1) Garlic
2) Leeks
3) Scallions
4) Brussels Sprouts
5) Savoy Cabbage
6) Cabbage
7) Beets
8) Spinach
9) Kale
10) Asparagus
11) Cauliflower
12) Fiddlehead Fern
13) Onions

Lung Cancer
1) Garlic
2) Leeks
3) Scallions
4) Brussels Sprouts


Brain Cancer
1) Garlic
2) Leeks
3) Brussels Sprouts
4) Beets
5) Cabbage
6) Scallions
7) Kale
8) Broccoli
9) Cauliflower
10) Spinach

Prostate Cancer
1) Garlic
2) Brussels Sprouts
3) Scallions
4) Leeks
5) Broccoli
6) Cauliflower
7) Savoy Cabbage
(Tomato by the way, according to the source ranks at about 55%, maybe that is uncooked).

Breast Cancer
1) Garlic
2) Leeks
3) Scallions
4) Brussels Sprouts
5) Cauliflower
6) Cabbage
7) Kale
8) Broccoli

Now what did you think of that? Powerful right?


Don’t be ignorant about the power of the right foods

Let me tell you a story about what it is like to be ignorant like I was about food. When I was in the Navy between 1980 and 1986, a guy named Chris “The Bike Man” Friesen, a fellow sonar technician and submariner told me one day in the crews’ mess (our dining room) that “Beets prevent cancer.” I knew that Chris had a propensity for dry humor, so I was thinking his claim was kind of preposterous. I asked myself, “How could a beet prevent cancer?” Ignorant, right? Well, don’t be ignorant, I am telling you. This is powerful information and Chris had the right idea all these years.

And what about Brussels Sprouts? Besides being hard to spell, I remember a nuclear engineer on the submarine used to put pieces of rice on them to make a “smiley face” and called them “martian heads.” So don’t forget to eat your Martian Heads for dinner this week.

Of course, the best way to take advantage of this info is you get organic vegetables and to prepare them without blasting, boiling and frying them to smithereens, but even if organics are not on your radar scope yet,  start with  a conscious effort and a belief that this goodness will begin to reap benefits for you.


RECONNECTING with old friends can also be a good anti-cancer help

After Cowboy Mike, I have an affinity for Rosanne Cash and cool hats.

Cool Dude from Silver City, NM. After Cowboy Mike, I have an affinity for Rosanne Cash and cool hats. Photo by Challen Yee

Last, I want to celebrate two old Navy buds who I spent a lot of time with in San Diego and I just reconnected with recently, retired Sonar Chief Mike “The Cowboy” Avery, and my former weight lifting partner in San Diego, Robert “Bob” Wheat, who also is a retired Submarine Sonar Technician and Navy Diver. When it came to food, nutrition and supplements, Bob used to tell me, “Spend the money, you are investing in your body.”


With that thought, take the time and effort to invest in yourself and get the most out of life!

With Bob Wheat, working out 5-6 days a week on the Navy base in the early 1980's, San Diego, CA

“Hoo-Yah!” With Bob Wheat, from Long Beach, working out 5-6 days a week on the Navy base in the early 1980’s, San Diego, CA. That is me taking the picture.

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Where Health and Leadership cross paths Part 2

Writer’s note: If this one sounds familiar, it is another post from my archive, but it is also a follow up from last week’s post on the relationship between detox and leadership.

The article below was originally titled, “Courage in getting help” and that truly is perhaps the most important action in order to begin purifying our lives, admitting that our troubles are too large to deal with alone and without help.

The older I get I realize that time is of the essence, and Jim Rohn’s talk of the “Seasons of Life” becomes more apt.

So without further delay let’s consider the follow up…



Where health and leadership cross paths came to mind again as I was listening to Family Life Today, a radio broadcast hosted by Dennis Rainey.

In it he spoke about his experience amongst a group of combat veterans who were physically wounded in battle and those suffering from PTSD.
He asked them, “What’s the most courageous thing you’ve ever done?”

To his surprise, their answers do not have to do with valor in battle, but rather, out of 12 men, 11 men responded, as Dennis put it, “The most courageous thing they’d ever done was admitting they needed help—
“—that they needed another human being to engage with them around their need—that they weren’t able to fix this thing themselves. They needed another human being; and they needed God, in the process, to reach through…”

This interlude in their broadcast resonated with me so much, I wanted to write about it.

This is one area where having mentors, among other community, in your life can help a great deal.

It does seem like the darkest days in my life, whether it was failing to run my father’s business, or going down a non-fulfilling career path that was consuming my life, to being beaten down by a desire to get married and not finding the mate…  each one had one key aspect: Feeling completely and utterly alone, alone in your struggle, alone in your battle.

Now, you might say, “You’re surrounded by family and friends and people, you’re a member of a church, come on, how can you feel utterly alone?”

That’s true, but that’s what happens. You’re fighting a battle alone in your mind.

Recognize it if your experiencing some deep seated trouble that you think is hopeless with no help in sight. Recognize it as an important part of your life that you will get through it!

In my case, at the risk of oversimplifying,  it was often an expectation of myself that was not linked to reality of human suffering, but of some perfect concept that I believed my life must jump through.

I want to leave you with two thoughts, one is a lesson I learned and one is an exhortation to those who may be a mentor in someone’s life.

1) In my darkest moments in life, I was led to prayer, call it meditation if you will, call it meditation on your hands and knees, but it was only in that “forced” clearing of all the junk that was my mind, when in the deepest moments of anguish the small voice led me to a direction towards to a new goal, a new direction, or a reasoned key to unlock my dilemma.

2) If you are ever, seemingly out of the blue, directly approached by someone who asks for help… let’s say you are an elder in a church or other community, do not ignore that seemingly innocent request that someone may need your advise, especially if you know they just went through, let’s say for example, a death in the family.

Especially those who have the benefit of life experience, to borrow words from the great Les Brown, “Don’t be caught resting in the shade at the bottom of a valley when you could and should be [getting the most out out of life] charging up another mountain.”

You just might be called to be a mentor. Just being intentionally available could make an important difference in someone’s life.


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