*”CHEMOTHERAPY: POISONING CANCER (and you)” from “Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients” (Blaylock).

I could have titled this “Additional tools for your first oncologist meeting.”

Writer’s note: This subject is often something you don’t follow unless you’ve had a bout of cancer in your close circle, but when you are faced with a diagnosed cancer then you should be aware of the powerful influence proper nutrition and nutritive therapy have on your body. Do yourself a favor, be aware now and do not wait.

When my father passed away in 1996 from pancreatic cancer, I, like most people, was not aware of the many natural ways we could have taken a healthy proactive approach to fighting the disease. And if you as a lay person try to tell someone who has already gone down the slippery slope of hopelessness and they’ve already accepted death as imminent as predicted by a “professional”, it can be even more difficult to persuade them that carefully administered high dosages of crystallized Vitamin C over and beyond the course of a cancer, along with other dietary, lifestyle and nutritive strategies can bring about a significant increase is the quality of life and in some cases remission.

These natural therapies act in a way that is generally beneficial for the body and without adverse effects (and in some cases contraindicated by your oncologist with the use of chemo or radiation treatments).

Although many the damaging effects of conventional cancer treatments are obvious, I am not necessarily advocating the non-use of these methods. A combined approach would adopt the natural approach at all times as allowed through and around the windows created by Western treatments.

How important would it be for you to know how you can fight cancer in ways that are both powerful and not poisonous to your body?

There are many points in the following chapter opening from “Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients” (2003) by Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, that I will share below…




The use of chemotherapy has become so common in the treating cancer that it is now considered a standard part of the regimen. Dr. Ralph Moss, who has written extensively on the subject of cancer treatment, has noted that while chemotherapy has definite benefits for several selected cancers, in many cases it is used inappropriately. I have found the same thing in my observations over the past thirty years in medicine.

Before deciding on chemotherapy, there are several important things you should know and discuss with your oncologist. Of critical importance is the fact that most chemotherapy agents can also cause cancer themselves and may do so many years
after your therapy has been completed. You should be informed of this risk before you make any decisions.

You should also be aware of the difference between “cure” of cancer and “control” of cancer. In the past, a cancer was considered “cured” if the patient had no evidence of disease five years after the treatments were finished. Some feel the cancer-free period should be extended to ten years, and I agree. Despite this optimism, there is evidence that some cancers may never be cured in the literal sense. Rather, the cancer cells are placed in a dormant state, that is, put to sleep.

Often oncologists imply that their treatment will cure your cancer, when in fact they know that it may merely control your cancer. When a cancer is under control, it means that an obvious residual tumor remains but is not growing. Usually, your doctor
will order repeat studies to make sure the tumor does not begin to grow again. Another point of confusion for patients is the is the term “tumor response.” Your oncologist may tell you your tumor should respond to a particular chemotherapy program. Response is not synonymous with cure. A tumor is responsive if it either stops growing or shrinks, even it temporarily.

If your cancer is more advanced, you need to know if the treatment is merely palliative rather than intended to cure or control your cancer. A palliative treatment is usually done to relieve some symptom, such as pain or an obstruction caused by the tumor. In many instances, especially with pain, nutritional treatments are a much better alternative since they cause no unpleasant side effects and, in most cases, help the patient’s energy levels to improve, sometimes dramatically.

If your tumor is well localized, you have negative lymph nodes, and you have no evidence of local invasion or metastasis, your oncologist may recommend a cycle of chemotherapy and/or radiation treatments to eradicate any cancer cells that may have escaped. Several studies have shown that such adjunctive chemotherapy may reduce the incidence of tumor recurrence. The problem with these studies is that the results were never compared to those of a carefully constructed nutritional program. My experience is that a good nutritional program is just as effective as, and possibly even more effective than, chemotherapy or radiation. When combined with these conventional treatments, a nutritional program greatly enhances their effectiveness and reduces complications.

You should thoroughly discuss all the possible side effects and complications of your treatment program with your oncologist. Do not let the doctor brush them off as nothing to worry about. As we shall see, properly selected nutritional supplements and a good diet can greatly reduce and even eliminate many of the side effects and complications.

Before beginning your chemotherapy or radiation treatments, you should begin your nutrition program. In most instances, nutrients will work best if started before the conventional treatments, yet they will also be effective if started afterward as well.

While you can tell your oncologist about your nutrition program, do not expect him or her to understand the scientific basis of its effect on your cancer and how it aids in your treatment. Remember that your doctor may have had no training in nutritional biochemistry and may be unaware of the research in this area. An oncologist’s expertise is with the conventional cancer treatments: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and biological response modifiers.

(end excerpt)
After you read this passage from Dr. Blaylock’s book, at least take away the basic fact that nutrition therapy is powerful and should be a core part of for anti-cancer treatment and maintenance. The side effects are none to negligible compared to the destructive forces of the powerful agents commonly used in chemotherapy.

Live your life to the fullest and keep with you some health practices that will serve you so that your service to others will be longer lasting.

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About challenyee

Bringing Acupuncture Mainstream - One Talk at a Time
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  1. Sophia Williams says:

    First, I would like to commend you for writing this article; it’s well composed and clearly explained why it’s important for people to be cancer aware. I just got off on the phone with a Naturopathic Physician, (mind you, I don’t have cancer nor anyone close to me has) I felt the need to be check what’s going on with my body, although I don’t feel anything weird at all. I understand that early diagnosis can prevent cancer from spreading. We don’t particularly live a healthy lifestyle, so all the more reason why I should be aware of cancer risks and prevention.

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